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подготовка реферата по прочитанным статьям;

подготовка устных сообщений по прочитанным статьям;

подготовка монологического высказывания по теме исследования;

перевод научных работ по специальности;

составление двуязычного терминологического словаря по тематике научного исследования.

Виды контроля:

1.Текущий контроль осуществляется путем проверки знаний, навыков


различных видов речевой коммуникации; преобладают устные формы контроля выполнения

домашних знаний;

2.Промежуточный контроль периодически в течение всего курса обучения в виде

приема внеаудиторного чтения, проверки аннотаций и рефератов научных статей;

3.Итоговый контроль знаний заключается в обобщении результатов текущего и

промежуточного контроля, сдаче зачета по дисциплине «Деловой иностранный язык»


Как средство представления учебного материала, компьютер может быть использован магистрантами в тематических докладах.

В ходе подготовки компьютерной презентации решаются следующие задачи:

изучение теоретического материала по заданной теме и разработка идеи и плана компьютерной презентации этой темы для публичного выступления перед аудиторией.

подготовка отдельных информационных ресурсов (текстовых фрагментов, графических рисунков, графиков, таблиц, схем, диаграмм), необходимых для создания компьютерной презентации по заданной теме.

построение с использованием программных средств (например, программы MS Power Point) презентационных электронных материалов (слайдов) для использования их в межличностных коммуникационных процессах, в том числе в публичных презентациях с участием докладчика.

построение с использованием программных средств (например, программы MS Power Point) самодостаточной компьютерной презентации для использования ее в сети Интернет или для распространения на магнитных носителях.

Инструкции по выполнению задания для компьютерной презентации

1.Выбор темы доклада, курсовой и других видов работы, по которой будет готовиться компьютерная презентация.

2.Разработка плана презентации по выбранной теме. Подбор информационных материалов, с использованием которых будет строиться презентация.

3.Изучение техники подготовки электронных иллюстративных материалов (слайдов).

4.Подготовка отдельных информационных ресурсов на машинных носителях в виде слайдов с использованием специальных программ (например, MS


5.Проведение презентации с использованием разработанных электронных презентационных ресурсов (слайдов).


Примерные задания для практических занятий:

1.The text below gives a definition and brief explanation of what a contract is. Complete it with words or expressions from the box.

A contract can be defined as 'an __________ between two or more parties to create legal __________between them'. Some contracts are made '__________': in other words, they are __________ and sealed (stamped) by the parties involved. Most contracts are made __________ or in __________. The essential elements of a

contract are: (a) that an __________ made by one party should be __________ by the other; (b)

__________ (the price in money, goods or some other __________,

paid by one party in exchange for another party agreeing to do something); (c) the

__________ to create legal relations. The __________ of a contract may be

__________ (clearly stated) or __________ (not clearly __________ in the contract, but generally understood). A __________ of contract by one party of their __________ entitles the other party to __________ for __________ or, in some cases, to seek specific performance. In such circumstances, the contract may be __________ (in other words, it becomes invalid).

2.Choose the correct idiomatic word or expression in (a), (b), (c) or (d), for each

of these sentences.

1.When a project goes wrong or fails, we can say that it:

(a) puts its foot in it

(b) goes belly up

(c) sticks its oar in

(d) gets its knickers in a twist

2.We sometimes say that people who compete for success in business or in a career are working for the:

(a) horse race

(b) dog race

(c) rat race

(d) camel race

3.The practice of transferring a difficult, incompetent or non-essential employee from one department to another is known informally as a:

(a) weasel waltz

(b) turkey trot

(c) cat calypso

(d) rabbit rumba

4.We might refer to a bad employer with a reputation for losing talented staff as:

(a) a people churner (b) a people mixer

(c) a people stirrer

(d) a people beater

5.The sudden moment that you realise you have made a terrible mistake is known as:

(a) an ohnosecond

(b) a gordonbennettminute

(c) a whoopsadaisyinstant

(d) a hellsbellsmoment

6.If you do a lot of different types of work in an office for very low pay, you could be referred to (unkindly) as:

(a) a pig in a poke

(b) the cat's whiskers

(c) a a gift horse

(d) a dogsbody

7.When an employee telephones to say that s/he is not coming to work because s/he is ill, but in fact is only pretending to be ill, we say that s/he is throwing:

(a) the book at someone

(b) a wobbly

(c) a punch

(d) a sickie

8.If an employee gets very angry at work because of something bad or unpleasant that happens, we can say that they are experiencing:

(a) office anger

(b) work rage

(c) shopfloor strops

(d) workplace wobblies

9.If an employee is deliberately or accidentally excluded from decision-making processes, they might complain that they are being left:

(a) out of their mind (b) out of the blue

(c) out of their head

(d) out of the loop

10.Work that offers the same money for less effort than another similar job is often known as:

(a) a cushy number

(b) a doddle

(c) a pushover

(d) child's play

11.When somebody is dismissed from their job, we can say that they have:

(a)got the shoe

(b)got the sandal

(c)got the boot

(d)got the slipper

12.If you criticize somebody in writing, we can say that you them.

(a) pencil-smack

(b) pencil-thrash

(c) pencil-punch

(d) pencil-whip

13.A general or broad view of a problem as a whole (which does not go into details) is known as:

(a) a bird's-eye view

(b) a helicopter view

(c) a mountaintop view

(d) a balloon view

14.The lazy practice of working only when a supervisor is present and able to see you is called:

(a) lip service

(b) hand service

(c) nose service (d) eye service

15.If your job is unpleasant, you might say that you have:

(a)a nose job

(b)a job lot

(c)a jobsworth

(d)a mushroom job

16. If you consider your job to be silly, trivial and unimportant, you might describe it as:

(a)a Tom and Jerry job

(b)a Mickey Mouse job

(c)a Homer Simpson job

(d)a Donald Duck job

17.A lazy employee who only pretends to work is said to be:

(a) swinging the lead

(b) swinging a cat

(c) swinging the balance

(d) swinging both ways

18.A new product (especially a new car) that has some major defects is known as:

(a) an orange

(b) a raspberry

(c) a melon

(d) a lemon

3.Here are 30 twoand three-word expressions relating to business money and finance issues. In either the first, second or third word, each alternate letter has been removed. Replace the letters in each case. Use a dictionary to check the meaning of each expression.

1.Business o__e__h__a__s 16. Operating __r__f__t

2.C__e__i__ risk 17. Interest r__t__

3. P__n__i__n plan 18. B__d__e__a__y constraints4. Profit m__r__i__ 19. F__n__n__e company

5.E__c__a__g__ rate 20. Expense __c__o__n__

6.C__s__ flow 21. Return on i__v__s__m__n__

7.Credit l__m__t 22. Rate of r__t__r__

8.C__p__t__l gains 23. Real a__s__t__

9.Down p__y__e__t 24. D__n__m__c pricing

10.R__s__ management 25. Management b__y__u__

11.Money __a__n__e__i__g 26. Budget d__f__c__t

12.Offshore b__n__i__g 27. C__n__u__e__ spending

13.Foreign __u__r__n__y 28. I__c__m__ tax

14.V__l__e added tax 29. G__l__e__ handshake

15.Net __p__r__t__n__ income 30. Price __n__e__s__t__v__

Образец контрольной работы


A. Below, you will see eleven common situations that people encounter when they are

writing a formal letter. Choose the sentence or phrase (A, B or C) that would be most appropriate in each situation.

1.You are writing a letter to the head teacher of a school or college, but you don't know their name. How do you begin your letter?

A. Dear head teacher. B. Dear Sir / Madam. C. Dear Sir.

2.You have received a letter from the manager of a company which buys computer components from your company, and you are now replying. What do you say?

A.Thank you for your letter. B. Thanks a lot for your letter.

C. It was great to hear from you.

3.You recently stayed in a hotel and were very unhappy with the service you

received. You are now writing to the manager. What do you say?

A.I had a horrible time at your hotel recently.

B.I would like to say that I am unhappy about your hotel.

C.I would like to complain about the service I received at your hotel recently.

4.You have sent a letter of application to a college, together with your curriculum vitae which the college requested. What do you say in the letter to explain that

your curriculum vitae is attached?

A. You asked for my curriculum vitae, so here it is. B. As you can see, I've enclosed my curriculum vitae. C. As you requested, I enclose my curriculum vitae.

5.You have applied for a job, but you would like the company to send you more information. What do you say?

A. I would be grateful if you would send me more information. B. I want you to send me more information.

C. Send me some more information, if you don't mind.

6.In a letter you have written to a company, you tell them that you expect them

to reply. What do you say?

A.Write back to me soon, please.

B.Please drop me a line soon.

C.I look forward to hearing from you soon.

7.In a letter you have written, you want the recipient to do something and are thanking them in advance of their action. What do you say?

A. Thank you for your attention in this matter. B. Thanks for doing something about it.

C. I am gratified that you will take appropriate action.

8.The company you work for has received an order from another company and you are writing to them to acknowledge the order and let them know when you can deliver. What do you say?

A. About the order you sent on 12 January for…

B. I would like to remind you of the order you sent on 12 January for...

C. I refer to your order of 12 January.

9.In a letter, you explain that the recipient can contact you if they want more information. What do you say?

A. Give me a call if you want some more information.

B. If you would like any more information, please do not hesitate to contact me. C. If you would like any more information, why not get in touch?

10.You began a letter with the recipient's name (e.g., Dear Mr. Perrin). How do you end the letter?

A. Yours faithfully. B. Yours sincerely. C. Best wishes.

11.You did not begin the letter with the recipient's name (see number 1 above).

How do you end the letter?

A.Yours faithfully.

B.Yours sincerely.

C.Best wishes.

B. Look at these sentences and decide if they are true or false.

1.Formal letters are always longer than informal letters.

2.In a formal letter it is acceptable to use colloquial English, slang and idioms.

3.In a formal letter it is acceptable to use contractions (e.g., I've instead of I have).

4.In a formal letter you should include your name and address at the top of the page.

5.In a formal letter, you should always write the date in full (e.g., 1 April 2000 and not 1/4/00).

6.In a formal letter, you should always put your full name (e.g., James Harcourt and not J. Harcourt) after your signature at the bottom of the letter.

7.Formal letters do not need to be broken into paragraphs. It is acceptable to write them as one continuous paragraph.


PHRASES TO BE USED when buying or ordering something for your office (furniture, equipment, stationery):

We want... (say what and how much you want). Нам нужно... (скажите, что и сколько вам нужно).

We would like / prefer to have... Нам бы хотелось / Мы бы предпочли приобрести…

How much does it cost? Сколько это стоит? Is there a guarantee? Имеется ли гарантия?

Will we get a discount? Можем ли мыполучить скидку?

How big will a discount be? Какая скидка будет предоставлена? Is it simple to install? Это легко устанавливается?

Is it easily fitted and removed? Легко ли это устанавливается и убирается?

Is it water repellent / stain resistant / washable? Это водонепроницаемо / непачкается /


How soon can you deliver it? Как высможете это доставить?

When can we have the invoice? Когдамысможемполучить счетфактуру?

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about a company:

-to be established in 19... Быть образованным в 19…

-to have a strong position in the market. Иметь сильную позицию на рынке.

-to enjoy an excellent reputation. Иметь отличную репутацию.

-to have qualified / skilled / technically trained employees. Иметь квалифицированных /

обученных / технически подготовленных служащих.

-to be a state-owned enterprise. Быть государственным предприятием.

-to be in the process of transformation into a joint-stock company. Находиться в процессе преобразования в акционерное общество.

-to provide services to... Обеспечивать обслуживание / услуги…

-to offer high-quality products and innovative technologies. Предлагать высококачественные товары и новейшие технологии.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about appointing:

-to place an advertisement in a newspaper. Поместить объявление в газете.

-to send an application form. Выслать бланк приема на работу.

-to call an applicant for an interview. Вызвать кандидата на должность на собеседование.

-to include annual holiday entitlement, the rates of pay, and the opportunities for promotion.

Включать право на ежегодный отпуск, размер оклада, возможности для продвижения по службе.

-to take up references обсудить рекомендации.

-to confirm an appointment. Подтвердить назначение на должность.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about responsibilities of employees:

-to join the company. Быть принятым на работу в компанию.

-to be taken on the staff. Быть принятым в штат.

-to work for the company. Работать в компании.

-to be with the company. Работать в компании.

-to hold position. Занимать должность.

-to assume position. Вступить в должность.

-to be appointed senior manager. Быть назначенным на должность главного менеджера.

-to be responsible for (planning, project management, etc.). Быть ответственным за

(планирование, управление проектом).

- to work as... before joining the company. Работать в качестве… до прихода в компанию. His responsibilities include... Его обязанности включают…

His career included management positions in some European countries. Егокарьера включала управленческие должности в некоторых Европейскихстранах.

He began as an economist trainee at National Oil Company. Он начинал какэкономист-стажер в Национальной нефтяной компании.

His previous position has been as Department Head. Ранее он занимал постначальника отдела.

He is recognized as an expert in programming and software. Он получил при-знание как специалист по программированию и программному обеспечению.

His role will be to install and tailor software applications to the specific needs

of clients. Его функцией будет установка и адаптация применения программк нуждам клиентов.

He spent 10 years with Citibank and during his tenure there he lectured tax law

at the University and worked as a legal adviser for a law firm. Он работал 10 летв Сити-банке и в течение срока пребывания в должности читал лекции по закону о налогообложении в университете, а также работал консультантом в юридической фирме.


Get familiar with these definitions, questions and statements to be ready to use them when it is appropriate.

1.The term «salary» means «fixed regular pay each month for a job, especially a job done by a senior member of staff».

2.«Wages» denotes «payment for labour or services, usually paid every day or every week, and often based on the number of hours worked».

3.«Remuneration» is used to denote «payment for work done or trouble taken;

a reward».

4.Can I ask questions referring to the salary?

5.Can I ask what my starting salary will be?

6.You'll be paid on the computer programmer scale.

7.The salary is commensurate with the importance of this position.

8.We offer a salary commensurate with experience.

9.Salaries are commensurate with experience and will reflect the importance of the positions.

10.The salary will be by agreement.

11.This is a key post and the salary will be by agreement.

12.The salary will be negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. However, the position will attract a minimum gross salary of not less than... pa (per annum).

13.My gross pay is..., but the net salary (take home pay, with all the deductions made) is usually... I.

14.It is a well-paid job.

15.He thinks he is underpaid.

16.He earns / gets / makes... dollars a week.

17.The minimum salary is...

18.It is a regular pay, but you'll also get your fee for services.

19.My yearly salary amounted to...

20.You'll also have some cash award (bonus, premium).

21.Your wages run from 10 September.

22.I am guaranteed overtime pay.

23.Your salary will be based on hourly rate.

24.You'll be paid not by the hour but by the job.

25.Our wages were scaled down / raised.

26.Tomorrow is pay-day.



- Hello, is that the sales department? - May I speak to Mr. N..., please?

- Can you put me in touch with Mr. N...? - Who is speaking?

- Who is calling?

- I didn't quite catch your name, how do you spell it? - Is that you? I didn't recognize you at once.

- It's urgent. Could you please tell him he's wanted on the phone? - Who shall I say is calling?

- Mr. N... is calling / Mr. N... is on the line.

- There's a call for you / You are wanted on the phone.


- Excuse me, could I speak to Mr. N...?

- I'm sorry, he is not available / he is in a meeting / he is out at the moment / he is at lunch / he is not at work today / he is with a customer / he is not in now.

- He is on another line.

- Could you call again later? - Sorry, he hasn't returned yet.

- Can I take a message? / Would you like to leave a message?

- I'd like to leave a message for him / Could you take a message for him?

- Can you tell Mr. N... ... (name) from (company) called. Please ask him to call me. My phone number is... Thank you.

- Mr. N... called and said he'd be calling again tonight. - Mr. N... wants you to call him back.

- Was there any call for me?

- Somebody called but didn't leave his name.


-I want to book a call to... (city) for 8 p.m.

-What number are you calling from?

-Do you want to make it personal?

-I just want a station-to-station call.

-Will it be on credit? / Is it a credit card call?

-Hold the line. I'm putting you through... Go ahead.


To open an account (with a deposit of...) – открыть счет (сделав вклад вразмере…).

To maintain a minimum balance of... – сохранять (на счету) минимальныйвклад. Service charge – плата за банковские услуги.

You will be charged – с вас будут удерживать.

To make cash deposits – вносить денежные вклады.

To make cash withdrawals – снимать деньги.

Joint account – совместный счет. Interest rate – процентная ставка.

Fluctuating / adjustable / fixed rate – колеблющаяся / переменная / постоян-

ная процентная ставка. Loan – заем, ссуда.

Shares (Br) / (common) stocks (Am) – акции. Share price – цена акции.

Real estate – недвижимость. Mortgage – залог под недвижимость. Income tax – подоходный налог.

Value added tax (VAT) – налог на добавленную стоимость. Credit terms – условия кредитования.

PHRASES TO BE USED when speaking about postal services:

Where can I buy stamps and envelopes? Где я могу купить марки и конверты? Where can I cash this postal order? Где я могу получить деньги по переводу?

I'd like to register a letter. What is the postage? Я бы хотел послать заказноеписьмо. Сколько это стоит?

I'd like to send this letter reply requested / with a return receipt / with a recorded delivery.Я бы хотел отправить это письмо с уведомлением.

I'd like to mail this card. What stamps should I stick on it? Я бы хотел по-слать эту открытку авиапочтой. Какие марки на нее наклеить?

You can send your printed matter by book-post. Вы мажете отправить пе-чатный материал бандеролью.

Send it general delivery. Пошлите это до востребования. Send it poste restante. Пошлите это до востребования.

You can cash your money order by proxy, giving someone a letter of attorney with your signature properly witnessed. Можете получить деньги по переводучерез доверенное лицо (по доверенности), дав кому-либо доверенность с вашей подписью, должным образом заверенную.

Write legibly, in block letters. Пишите разборчиво, печатными буквами. Print the address. Пишите разборчиво, печатными буквами.

It is a slip of the pen. Это описка.

PHRASES TO BE USED at meetings:

Who will take minutes? Кто будет вести протокол собрания?

I propose that Mr. N be the chairman of the meeting. Предлагаю на постпредседателя собрания.

Who is for? / All those in favour? Кто за? Who is against? / Any against? Кто против?

All opposed, raise your hands. Все, кто против, поднимите руки. The motion is carried. Предложение принято.

I ask that my suggestion be recorded in the minutes. Прошу мое предложениезанести в протокол.

I have no objections. Уменя нет возражений.

I suggest that the agenda be adopted. Предлагаю утвердить повестку дня. May I have the floor? Можно мне выступить?

Соседние файлы в папке из электронной библиотеки